Boletus might be the most sought-after genus of mushrooms in Europe and the answer is "YES", we have them here in Northern-Norway too. We call them "Steinsopp", that would translate to "Stone mushrooms". Not applicable to the colour, but the shape could be kind of stone like I think.
During the summer and autumn time Kangoo (my mini-camper-van) and I travel and explore every nook and cranny of Northern Norway, including a few visits to the northern parts of Sweden and Finland too. I document and catalogue every find. On my memeber pages (only in Norwegian) you can follow me on the road and get exclusive access to mushroom-maps, and more
Looking for a mushroom guide in Northern Norway? Please get in touch
Leccinum mushrooms in Northern-Norway
Leccinum is the most numerous mushrooms of the edible species in Northern Norway. If you know your Leccinums you will never have to leave a mushroom foraging walk with empty baskets. Learn about them here
Winter mushrooms - Flammulina velutipes
Imagine picking mushrooms in the midst of winter in snow and cold. Of course it's possible. The winter mushrooms are here. Let's take a closer look at them.
The blusher - Amanita rubescens
The Blusher (Amanita Rubescens) is a valued find here in Northern Norway. Not as common as the well known Fly Agaric or other Amanita relatives but The Blusher is quite beautiful in its own way, and even better, it is safe and very good to eat. As long as you know what you are doing of course. Let's get into it, shall we?...
Edible mushrooms you can find in Northern Norway:
Agaricus (genus)
Aleuria (genus)
Amanita (genus)
Boletus (genus)
Bovista (genus)
Cantharellus (genus)
Craterellus (genus)
Chalciporus piperatus
Chroogomphus rutilus Coll.
Clavariadelphus (genus)
Clitocybe (genus)
Clitopilus (genus)
Cortinarius caperatus
Craterellus (genus)
Cuphophyllus pratensis
Flammulina (genus)
Gomphidius (genus)
Helvella lacunosa
Hydnum (genus)
Hygrocybe punicea
Hygrophorus (genus)
Hypoloma capnoides
Kuehneromyces mutabilis
Laccaria (genus)
Lactarus (genus)
Leccinum (genus)
Lepista nuda
Lycoperdon (genus)
Lyophyllum (genus)
Pluteus (genus)
Phaeolepiota aurea
Psathyrella candolleana
Russola (genus)
Sarcodon (genus)
Stropharia (genus)
Suillus (genus)
Tricholoma (genus)
Xerocomus (genus)
Please note! A genus of mushrooms can consist of both edible, not edible and poisonous species
Melaa sopp og nytte by Emelin Melaa is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0